Saturday 14 June 2014

download TipCalcPro - Tip Calculator apk free

TipCalcPro - Tip Calculator


Download .apk

TipCalcPro - This is an ad free Tip Calculator with a basic set of features that allow you to quickly calculate tips. The features include:

- Radio button tip % selection.

- Custom tip % selection.

- Ability to split the total cost.

- Tip percentage preference is saved.

- Clear button to quickly calculate a new tip.

Download .apk

Watch: Repeat Andy, Lana Wachowski and Tom Tykwer's ' Cloud Atlas 'Look at the first introductory featurette about the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer's Cloud Atlas on Apple: Why genres genres? The phenomenal trailer debut follow-up this morning, Warner Bros added a featurette on Apple for Cloud Atlas, with its three directors? Andy and Lana Wachowski and Tom Tykwer? Talking about the project, its ambitions, the concept behind it, and how that happened. It starts rather jokey, but better TipCalcPro - Tip Calculator apk free download . In the many years I have running this site, this is the first time that I 've ever seen , the Wachowskis do nearly as much public speaking over each of its projects. That is, it is cool to see, especially when you consider how incredibly spectacular that trailer looks. Watch below!

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