Thursday 31 July 2014

free StrengthCalc Juiced Edition torrent download

StrengthCalc Juiced Edition

Health & Fitness

Download .apk

**NOTE: This application is in BETA - there WILL be bugs, we assume that you're purchasing the application as a show of support for the developers, not expecting a finished and flawless product. If you feel uncomfortable purchasing, please feel free to try StrengthCalc Natty Edition - It's free, gets all of the same features (though slower than this version) and just has an adbanner on the bottom.**

Put in your lift numbers and get an array of pre-populated bodybuilding and powerlifting routines for you to use! Strengthcalc will help you keep on track and consistently making progress in your Strength Training


Persistent Data - Put your lifts, weight, age, etc. in once, and never worry about it again.

Select your own theme!

Adjustable Rest-Interval Timer so you know when to get back under the bar!

Prepopulated lift numbers - Know EXACTLY what you're supposed to lift, and when.

Popular Bodybuilding and Powerlifting routines - Tried and true regimens that produce results. No more fudgearounditis!

Wilks Calculator - Know exactly how strong you are for your bodyweight.

TDEE/BMR calculator - Know how much energy your body uses, so you can cut, bulk or maintain effecitively.

Log your workouts for popular routines like 'Starting Strength', 'Strong Lifts', "5/3/1', 'PHAT' and more!

Routines included:


AllPro's beginner BB routine

German Volume Training (GVT)

Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training (PHAT)

Body Part Splits


Hypertrophy Specific Training (HST)


Starting Strength

Strong Lifts

Greyskull LP

Phraktures Greyskull Variant


Coan/Phillipi Deadlift

Doug Hepburns Strongman Method

Mag/Ort for various lifts

Smolov JR. for various lifts

The Texas Method

Madcow 5x5

and last, but certainly not least:

The GZCL Intro and Intro Plus methods.

**No Ads**

Download .apk

This time, Passes on McKay's Anchorman Sequel Officially!While Anchorman is not just one of those movies a sequel a sequel nice to have the nice to have the cast return for a few more laughs were seen with each of their outlandish character. Honestly, I can not understand why Paramount will not afford. The original earned $ 85,000 on a budget of about $ 26 million, and with all the love for Ron Burgundy, which was quoted by various disciples proclaimed the film endlessly, it seems like the sequel would be an easy decision StrengthCalc Juiced Edition apk free download . Perhaps the budget is too high this time, or perhaps Paramount just not true? Either way, it looks like Anchorman 2 is officially dead when they busy making money on the Magic 8 Ball movie instead. You stay classy, Paramount!

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