Tuesday 29 April 2014

Panic CBT Breathe Exercise 1.0.4 apk free download

Panic CBT Breathe Exercise


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Dr Yoo's Panic_Breathe is a part of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy(CBT) program for panic disorder. This app contains text and audiovisual explanation of breathing exercise(diaphragmatic breathing) and assists real exercise, which is very important for effective controlling anxiety, fear and hyperventilation. But, as you know it is not easy to repeat the exercise continuously in spite of its significance.

Dr Yoo's Panic_Breathe can help you to practice breathing exercise easy and repetitively because you are having this app on your smart phone always with you. Let’s start to learn about panic disorder and breathing exercise with this app.

Local Notification(Alert) function for easy repetition will be provided through update. More panic CBT Apps will be released soon for progressive relaxation, Cognitive training, Exposure and patients’ experience of recovery.

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